#!Title=[Get the sales price right the first time|How to choose a good sales price|Get an appraisal to set the right sales price|Listing your home? get an appraisal first|Make negotiating your home's sale easier with an appraisal|Reduce time on the market with an appraisal] <%CompanyName%> <%Phone%>
#!Description=A pre-listing appraisal from <%CompanyName%> [will help|helps] you set a realistic [selling price|price] so your [home|house|property] [will attract|attracts] [buyers|more buyers|more interested buyers|interested buyers|potential buyers].
#!Keywords=<%City%>, <%County%> County, <%FullState%>, Pre-listing appraisal, pre-listing, when your agent puts your home in the MLS, pre-listing appraisal FSBO, pre-listing appraisal+agent
[Pre-Listing Appraisal Services from <%CompanyName%>|Need a pre-listing appraisal? Contact <%CompanyName%>|Have confidence in your listing price with an appraisal from <%CompanyName%>.][If you're working with [a real estate agent|An agent] to [sell|list] your [property|house|home], [then|more than likely,]| Working with [a real estate agent|an agent] to [sell|list] your [property?|house?|home?] [Then|More than likely,]| Are you working with [a real estate agent|an agent] to [sell|list] your [property?|house?|home?] [Then|More than likely,|Quite often]] [you can expect them to|they'll] [provide you with|give you] a comparative market analysis [(CMA)|(or CMA)|(or a CMA)] that [displays|includes] [a list of|selected|similar|comparable|competing] [sales|homes for sale|houses for sale|sale homes|sales houses] in your [area|local area|town]. It's a [customary|good] starting point [in|when] [deciding|determining] your home's listing price. [ This step is [vital|really important|crucial] if you're going to [maximize your profit and minimize [the|your] [home's|house's] time on the market| minimize [the|your] [home's|house's] time on the market and maximize your profit]| If you're going to [maximize your profit and minimize [the|your] [home's|house's] time on the market| minimize [the|your] [home's|house's] time on the market and maximize your profit], this is a [vital|really important|crucial] step| For anyone looking to get most profit out of their house, which includes not having it for sale too long, this is a [natural|logical|standard] [process|move]| This is a [vital|really important|crucial] [(and very [logical|common]) |]step if your [main objectives|goals|intentions|interests] are to maximize profit and minimize your time on the market].
[But even|Even] if
[[you're|you are] working with|
[you've|you have] hired|
[you have|you've] been working with]
the most [accomplished|experienced|expert] [agent|real estate agent]|
an [accomplished|experienced|expert] [agent|real estate agent]
it's [definitely in|in] your best interest to have [an "objective" third-party's opinion of value|a third-party's objective opinion|a third-party's objective opinion of value] [prior to signing|before signing|before you sign] [a|the] Listing Agreement.
However, it's [definitely in your best interest|also advantageous] to have [an "objective" third-party's opinion of value|a third-party's objective opinion|a third-party's objective opinion of value] [prior to signing|before signing|before you sign] [a|the] Listing Agreement, even if [[you're|you are] working with|[you've|you have] hired|[you have|you've] been working with] [the most|an] experienced [agent|real estate agent].
Even if [you're working with|you've hired|you've been working with] the most experienced [agent|real estate agent], it's [definitely in|in] your best interest to also have [an "objective" third-party's opinion of value|a third-party's objective opinion|a third-party's objective opinion of value] [prior to signing|before signing|before you sign] [a|the] Listing Agreement.
In our opinion, [however|though], you [should also get|might also wish to consider] [an appraisal|a pre-listing appraisal] from [a [licensed |]professional|someone] [who's sole occupation is to analyze real estate|who tracks real estate values for living] - [PRIOR to|BEFORE] [listing your [home|house|property]|putting your home on the market] - even if you're working with an experienced [agent|real estate agent].
[[In addition to|We're also experienced in] [helping you set|assisting you with setting|helping you decide on] a realistic [selling price|price to sell] so your [home|house] will [appeal to|bring in|draw in|entice|charm|entice|interest|intrigue|attract] [potential buyers|buyers], [a professional|an expert|a knowledgeable|an efficient|a skillful|a qualified|a polished] appraisal from <%CompanyName%> can:|<%CompanyName%> can help you decide on a realistic selling price so your house will [appeal to|bring in|draw in|entice|charm|entice|interest|intrigue|attract] [potential buyers|buyers], and we can also:|[A professional|An expert|A knowledgeable|An efficient|A skillful|A qualified|A polished] appraisal from <%CompanyName%> can help you decide on a realistic selling price so your house will [appeal to|bring in|draw in|entice|charm|entice|interest|intrigue|attract] [potential buyers|buyers], and we'll also:]
[Improvements to add value|Home improvements that add value|Improvements that add value to your home|Improvements to add value to your home|Upgrades that improve your home's value][In addition to "how much?", there may be [other|equally|other equally|more] important questions to ask yourself [prior to|before] listing your [house|property|home]| There are so many important questions to ask yourself [prior to|before] listing your [house|property|home]| There are many important questions to ask yourself [prior to|before] listing your home -- and <%CompanyName%> can help with that| <%CompanyName%> can help you answer the many important questions to ask yourself [prior to|before] listing your [house|property|home]]. [Would it be better to|Should we] paint the [entire|whole|outside of the] house before we sell it... [[Would it help to|Should I] put in that [third bathroom|new bathroom]...| Does the [carpet|tile|fence] need replacing...| Is now the time to add a deck...|] [Do I need to|Should I] [finish|complete] my [kitchen remodel|closet remodel]... [Practically|Virtually|Almost|Nearly] any project [will|can|has the potential to] [influence|affect] value in some way. [[Unfortunately|But], not all of them have an [impact|effect] commensurate with their cost| But not everything will have [an equal [impact|effect]|the same bang for the buck|the same return on investment]| But each thing [impacts|affects] [marketability|value] differently]. [While a kitchen remodel may improve [the appeal of a home|your home's appeal], it [may|might] not add nearly enough to the value to justify [the|your] expenses| A kitchen remodel [may|might] improve [the appeal of a home|your home's appeal], but it [may|might] not justify [the expenses involved|the costs you'd pay]| Remodeling your kitchen [may|might] improve [the appeal of a home|your home's appeal], but be sure to figure out [your costs|your expenses|the expenses involved|the costs involved|expenses] before diving in. It [may|might] not justify the time and costs involved].[ [We can|We'll|<%CompanyName%> will] step in and [help|help you] make these [decisions|important decisions]| We'll help you make some of these [decisions|important decisions]| Need help making some of these important decisions? We're here for you| <%CompanyName%> can help you with these [decisions|important decisions]]. [Unlike [a real estate agent|an agent], an appraiser has no vested interest in what amount the house sells for| An appraiser has no vested interest in what amount the house sells for, unlike [a real estate agent|an agent]|Appraisers [have no vested interest|don't have any vested interest] in your final selling price, like [a real estate agent|an agent] on commission will| <%CompanyName%> appraisers have no vested interest in [the|what] amount [your home|your house|the home|the house] sells for, unlike [a real estate agent|an agent]]. [ [Our appraisal fees are|Your fee to us is|Our fees are] based on efforts to [complete|finalize] [the|your] report, and not a percentage of [the sales price|your home's sale price].| An appraisal fee from <%CompanyName%> is based on our efforts to [complete|finalize] [the|your] report, and are not a percentage of [the sales price|your home's sale price].| Our fees are not a percentage of [the sales price|your home's sale price] -- [our appraisal fees are|your fee to us is|our fees are] based on efforts to [complete|finalize] [the|your] report. ] [ [So a professional appraisal from <%CompanyName%>|A professional appraisal from <%CompanyName%>] [helps|will help] [you|homeowners like you|homeowners] make the [best-informed||sharpest|wisest|best] decisions [on|when it comes to] investments to add value and [setting|deciding on|settling on] a [smart|fair|profit-maximizing] [sales price|price at which to sell|listing price].| When it comes to investing in your [home|house] and [setting|deciding on|settling on] a fair [sales price|price to sell at|sale price], [a professional appraisal from <%CompanyName%>|A professional appraisal from us] [helps|will help] [you|homeowners like you|homeowners] make the [smartest||sharpest|wisest|best] decisions.| So please consider ordering an appraisal from <%CompanyName%>. When it comes to investing in your [home|house] and [setting|deciding on|settling on] a fair [sales price|price to sell at|sale price], we'll help [you|homeowners like you|homeowners] make the [most financially sound|smartest|sharpest|wisest|best] decisions. ] |
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